
Delivering fast & reliable wired and wireless connectivity for malls.

Microsense offers plug-and-play, wired and wireless infrastructure, Wi-Fi-enabled smart ecosystems, secure Wi-Fi Hotspots, landline voice services, and multi-device communication systems for remote connectivity access in malls.

Easy to Connect Wi-Fi

  • User-friendly: Our seamless and secure network rejuvenates the wireless experience at commercial properties.
  • Seamless Experience: Retailers at malls can leverage our Wi-Fi network for various internet-dependent critical processes such as billing, collecting feedback, etc.
  • Connecting Millions: Currently, iBUS-Microsense jointly offer Wi-Fi coverage across 160 mn sqft area – enabling millions to connect to the internet.

Single Infra DAS solution

  • Retain Aesthetic Beauty: Our DAS solutions work in-line with interiors and helps maintain aesthetics by optimizing Telcom Shafts and Cable Tray.
  • Single Infrastructure: All operators have access to the same infrastructure -antennas, cables – which help enable level playing field.
  • Maximum Coverage: Our DAS solution delivers high-speed 4G/5G coverage at almost 98% of the project area.

Digital connectivity that helps improve footfall and shopping experience in Malls.

Presence across 50+ countries

500 mn sqft Retail space & IT parks

3000+ retailers

1000 TB Average daily data usage

200,000 daily Wi-Fi users

60,000 access points in India

Know more: www.microsensenetworks.com

Enhancing customer experience at Malls with reliable Wi-Fi network

Improved Customer Experience

Wi-Fi is a powerful and new opportunity for businesses to bring the digital experience inside stores and retail outlets. With Wi-Fi, retailers can nurture brand loyalty, gain better understanding of  shoppers’ behaviors and preferences and deliver unique promotional offers.

Enable Promotions

Wi-Fi is a customer touchpoint for loyalty programs, special promotional offers and a means to uncover usage analytics through social media. Combining cloud-based Wi-Fi platforms with social media, retailers can capture dwell time, site visit and demographic data that can be leveraged to drive adoption of loyalty programs.

Customer Tracking

Wi-Fi gives the opportunity to track the visits of customers and stay connected with them after the store visit. Retailers can also identify how frequently people come into outlets.

Increased Spending

Customers spend more time in retail outlets where they offer Wi-Fi, resulting in more money spent as a result of the extra time they were in these establishments.

Differentiate from competitors

Providing Wi-Fi is a significant advantage over competition. Most retailers choose venues based upon availability of Wi-Fi. Therefore, the business is bound to have an advantage over competitors by offering reliable Wi-Fi solutions.


Contact: Rajeesh Nambiar | rajeesh@microsensenetworks.com | 9003094225